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About Xavier Beso!!!

As a photographer I see things others wouldn't normally see, I look beyond that and find beauty in everything that surrounds us. I've been shooting for right around 5 years now, since my sophomore year of high school. Since then I've worked and shaped my craft into an amazing form of art I can call my own. Being able to freeze ONE moment of time and turn it into a memory is what almost magical, in a sense that anyone can look back and remember exactly what they were doing in that moment. To me this is the most amazing aspect about photography, it's what continuously draws me to it. 


I specialize in automotive, event, portraiture and landscape photography. But of course am not limited to just those subjects. I am always looking to test my capabilities behind the camera, and show no fear in trying new things! With that being said feel free to contact me for any type of shoot. Looking forward to hearing from you all!

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